Monday, August 2, 2010
News Forgoing Judge Judy, Two TriMet Drivers Battle in Court
Posted by Sarah Mirk on Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 4:18 PM
$7500 claim against Al M. Thats a lot of bus fares.
* $7500 claim against Al M. That's a lot of bus fares.
Irascible TriMet bus driver Al Margulies (better known as Al M) wound up in court today, facing harassment charges from another TriMet driver, Ellen Fox. Ms. Fox, who can usually be found behind the wheel of bus line 20, is suing Margulies for $7,500 after he secretly recorded a phone conversation with her and then posted it on his blog RANTINGS OF A TRIMET BUS DRIVER.
This is the third time in recent weeks that Margulies' frenetic blog composed of hundreds of videos comprising Margulies' daily rants has landed him in hot water. In June, TriMet wrote a new policy banning drivers from recording videos while on the job, clearly in response to Margulies blog. The public transit agency also launched an investigation into Margulies conduct after a citizen who had been warring with Al M in blog comments filed repeated complaints with TriMet.
The current trouble started back in June 30 2009, when Fox and Margulies had a gossipy phone conversation. Fox didn't know that Margulies was taping the whole discussion, which she says included her frank opinions about coworkers at TriMet, and was shocked to discover it online later. Though Margulies took the video down when Fox asked, she says he later reposted it in an effort to intimidate her. Fed up, Fox got a lawyer and filed suit. Margulies responded in typical fashion: posting 14 videos over the months in which he rants about Fox and her claims of harassment.
At Multnomah County courthouse today, the case of the dueling bus drivers was squeezed in between hearings for stalking orders. Fox arrived late and confused, hauling a large box of documents and not sounding optimistic about the court-ordered mediation that will precede a trial.
TriMet Driver Ellen Fox: Armed with a box.
* TriMet Driver Ellen Fox: Armed with a box.
She previously turned down an offer from none other than Judge Judy to have the case settled on TV court, after discovering that the Judge Judy show picks up the tab for any damages doled out on the series. Fox is insistent that Margulies must pay. "The whole point is to teach him a lesson. There has been way too much damage done," says Fox.
For his part, Margulies doesn't see what the big deal is. He didn't technically break the law by recording their conversation, but posting it publicly the private and possibly damaging conversation with his former friend is a hazier matter.
"Why did you do it?" I asked, outside the courtroom this afternoon.
"It’s just what I do," he replied.
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