Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oahu bus drivers confiscating fake bus passes

NOLULU (AP) — Oahu bus drivers are confiscating a growing number of fake bus passes.

In the past two weeks, bus drivers have confiscated 198 fake monthly passes, which resemble real passes but are sold for half the price.

The only way to tell the difference is to feel them.

Real passes have no edge along the bottom where a narrow silver strip cuts across the card.

Oahu Transit Services President Roger Morton says people have counterfeited city bus passes before but never on such a grand scale.

Police have arrested two people caught using the fake passes.

Honolulu Police Department Maj. Carlton Nishimura says anyone caught with a counterfeit bus pass faces a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

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