May 15, 2010
Injured ... a passenger is taken from the scene. Photo: Orlando Chiodo
A DRIVER was killed and 28 passengers were injured when a chartered bus carrying 30 people careened off a ravine near Fitzroy Falls last night.
The bus, which was carrying at least four elderly passengers, was travelling from Sydney on Moss Vale Road about 7.30 when it left the road and crashed through a guard rail and then plunged down a 30-metre embankment near the bottom of Barrengarry Mountain.
The male driver was thrown from the vehicle on impact. At least 11 people sustained critical or serious injuries, and another 10 had minor injuries.
A witness who was in a car behind the bus said he saw it overshoot a 90-degree bend and plummet down the ravine. The man, from Berrima, said the passengers seemed to be mainly European tourists. He said he was among the first on the scene and helped tend to victims, including a Polish woman with back injuries.
''I pulled 15 people out. It is an absolute mess,'' he said.
A Twitter message was posted just before 10pm saying the bus could be seen sitting ''upright'' in the bush.
''Getting pics in of the south coast bus crash. There is definitely a coach off in the bush - upright,'' wrote @timbehan. ''Down a fairly steep slope by the looks.''
One passenger, a man, aged 70, was in a critical condition with head, neck, chest, arm, abdominal and pelvic injuries.
An ambulance spokesman said eight of the seriously injured passengers were initially trapped in the bus and had to wait for emergency service workers to free them from the wreckage.
The 70-year-old was flown to Liverpool Hospital. Two other people in a serious condition were taken by helicopter to St George Hospital.
Soon after the accident police set up a hotline for anyone concerned family or friends might have been involved.
Traffic lanes were closed in both directions before vehicles were diverted onto Pearsons Road and the Illawarra Highway. Motorists were advised to avoid the area.
Police from the Crash Investigation Unit travelled to the scene late last night.
A report will be prepared for the NSW Coroner.
Shoalhaven police urged anyone seeking information to contact them on 44219604.
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