Sunday, May 9, 2010

Two injured when car, bus collide

Posted May 09, 2010 @ 07:36 AM

Two people were injured Friday when a car and a bus collided at Second and Madison streets.

Tanzania A. Hughes, 20, of the 1300 block of North Ninth Street, was southbound on Second Street approaching Madison Street when the crash happened about 7 a.m., according to police.

Hughes said she was arguing with her passenger, Vernon Harper, 19, of the 900 block of North Second Street.

Harper allegedly grabbed the wheel, causing the vehicle to veer in front of the bus, which was also southbound, police said.

The Springfield Mass Transit District bus driver, Maurice L. Bennett, 45, of the 1200 block of East Reynolds Street, was not injured or cited.

A passenger on the bus, Margaret Legendre of the 3000 block of Stokebridge Road, was treated at St. John’s Hospital for minor injuries, police said.

Hughes was treated and released at Memorial Medical Center, police said.

Hughes was cited for driving while having a suspended license and operating an uninsured vehicle.

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